Previous Episode: Be Who You Truly Are
Next Episode: Let Go of Control

In this episode, I have a conversation with Nikki Porcher, Founder of Buy From a Black Woman. I love Nikki's story because I relate. She's worked in many jobs, including at a nonprofit. She got bored, and she got fired. (Me too!)

Nikki's boredom led her to running half marathons. That led her to missing a flight. That led her to a curiosity which turned into a passion, which turned into a blog, and that became a directory of black woman-owned businesses. 

And now, Nikki is looking forward to setting up Buy From A Black Woman as a Community Development Financial Institution. (If you don't know what that is, listen to the episode. It's a big deal.)

This is a story of transformation --and not only of one person-- 
but of a whole community and ultimately, it's a story about the transformation of an entire culture. 

When Nikki started Buy From a Black Woman five years ago, most people weren't paying attention to how they can support black businesses. 

She told me that black women were actually not even putting their faces on their websites because they didn't want to deter customers. 

Black women business owners were hiding. 

That's changing. 

And because Nikki was prepared to grow and achieve her dreams beyond her dreams--available and ready at the right time--she grew. 

Buy From a Black Woman is catching the attention of a broader community of consumers and supporters. In fact, Nikki just wrapped up a national tour sponsored by H&M. 

Through her story, Nikki reminds us what can happen when you allow yourself to transform and stay open to what can unfold as you dream bigger and believe everything is working for your good. 


Find Nikki and join the Buy From a Black Woman community at: Buy From a Black Woman:  Shop the Directory of Businesses:    Facebook: Instagram:  Twitter: YouTube: 


This show is sponsored by my company, Concurrent Productions. We make brand videos with empathy, authenticity, and love. I especially love working with people who consider themselves camera shy. I relate! 

If you're a solo entrepreneur or more inclined to DIY, check out our online course, How to Make a Brand Video that Isn't Boring. 
Use the code BUYFROMABLACKWOMAN for 50% off in August 2021. 

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I'm taking submissions for written interviews and an opportunity to be featured on our website as a reinvention story or in the podcast as an intention. If you have a story to share, please do:

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