Are you happy? In America, we uphold the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But then why are we so incapable of attaining, despite our relentless pursuit? We read countless articles and listen to countless podcast episodes trying to guide people in how to be happy, and yet we live in a society that does so little to promote the lifestyles that we know are scientifically proven to make people happy: we live in isolation, don't have the kinds of public spaces other countries have to promote a sense of community and trust in strangers, and we stare into screens, both at work and at home. Does happiness exist as an unattainable cultural ideal just to sell you stuff? What would it look like if we lived in a society that truly invested in the happiness of its own citizens? We talk about this, the importance of novel experiences, the importance of being satisfied with what you have instead of always trying to maximize, and the importance of trying to contribute to something larger than your own self and your own happiness.


Music is The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.  


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