Did your parents ever make you play an instrument growing up? Our parents both did, and it got us talking about how much parents should push their kids to do the things they associate with success and happiness, even if their child doesn't like it. At what point is it pushing them to have self-discipline, and at what point are you just making your kid suffer for no reason?

Obviously we are not parents, but we have a lot of opinions on parenting dynamics, going off how we were parented, our observations of other parents around us, and how we see parenting changing in response to the modern digital environment.

Link to the Ezra Klein episode on parenting with Alison Gopnik:  https://www.vox.com/podcasts/2019/6/13/18677595/alison-gopnik-changed-how-i-think-about-love?fbclid=IwAR1xsz7kZCONOVpuGC1kKf-SxarJjmCUsFW12OKfU6SJgb410qasqXYJRZ8

Music is The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.  


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