In this episode we talk about leaving college diploma in hand, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, only to find a lot of the assumptions we had about what was "good" and "evil" were totally oversimplified. Then you go through the emotional roller coaster of trying to derive core principles of what actually matters to you when you want to have a positive impact but also need to balance your quality of life. How can you be happy when the very act of turning what you love into a career sucks out of the joy out of it? How can you live in the liminal space between seeing everything as black and white or seeing everything as being so nuanced that you can never make a decision or have a firm opinion? All this and more in this episode of I'M THE VILLAIN. New episodes every Wednesday!

Link to the Wait But Why article we referenced: 

Music is The Beauty of Maths by Meydän. 


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