As some of you may know, Deondre' LOVES listening to true crime podcasts and so was very excited to have today's guest, Joy Scaglione, the host of the Bite-Sized Crime Podcast, on our show.

We cover a lot in this episode:

How does true crime reflect the broader inequalities in our society and spur a conversation around how to avoid these dangerous or deadly situations by raising our children to have better awarenesses of mental health and emotional regulation?

How does true crime interact with the carceral system?

If we funded schools and mental health, how would that affect these types of crimes?

Is true crime really just a reflection of the gladiator effect of being mesmerized by public violence and drawing recreational and entertainment value out of it at the expense of the victim's families, who have to be re-traumatized every time they hear their families' stories re-enacted in the public square?

Much of true crime involves intimate partner violence, so it's not just how we parent our children, it's how we choose our romantic partners and spouses, and how we have public conversations about mental health. Thankfully, we are now having a much more robust conversation as a society about how to spot red flags in your partner, and it's producing much healthier relationships, which will hopefully lower the number of domestic violence cases and murders.


Joy's podcast, Bite-Sized Crime:

Music is The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.


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