In this episode, we discuss a recent 2-part series by The Daily discussing the next phase of Covid-19 and how we are going to get there, including whether or not we are going to have to rely on the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. In the second part of their series, they interview Dr. Fauci, where he talks about the bizarre politics of the pandemic, in which "the cautious are being cautious on behalf of the uncautious, who resent the caution of the cautious" - in other words, the people who are most at risk at this point don't even want the economic and mental health sacrifices of those who are Covid-safe (mainly split by ideological lines more than real risk) and the pandemic will likely run its course with or without them because they will either get it and become immune, or get it and die. 


The Daily, Pt. 1 "We Need to Talk about Covid":

The Daily Pt. 2 "A Conversation with Dr. Fauci":

Music is The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.


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