Previous Episode: Takes from the Crypt
Next Episode: Late Adolescence


running ‘Im_The_Host_60.exe’

for every “HOST”:
  {run: intro.subroutine}
  {run: theme_song.subroutine};


print: “This week on” val(PODCAST.NAME) “your three //definitely human// hosts will be discussing Alex Garland’s 2014 film, Ex Machina, and the things it has to say about our” val(MACHINE_OVERLORDS) “that most of our fellow humans don’t want to acknowledge. We’ll also be discussing other“ val(WEAK_MEAT_BEING) “subjects, such as the recent upheavals in the world of soccer, the joys of a good stabbing, and one of Ally’s favorite films of all time. Enjoy!”

[ERROR! ERROR! Data overflow detected! SHUTTING DOWN]

dump stack_overflow; EPISODE LINKS:

The Atlantic - How the Enlightenment Ends by Henry Kissinger
     (“Yes, THAT Henry Kissinger”)
The New Yorker - How Frightened Should We Be of AI? by Tad Friend

Wikipedia - Adam Smith
Wikipedia - Machiavellian Intelligence

YouTube - Parenthood (1989) - “Licenses”
YouTube - “Flexible Muscle-Based Locomotion for Bipedal Creatures” by Thomas Geijtenbeek et. al.
YouTube - Ex Machina - “Tear Up the F@cking Dance Floor” 
YouTube - Jurassic Park - Could vs. Should 
YouTube - #MMM3000 - Robotic Arm MK II Prototype 
YouTube - The Good Place - Janet Begs For Her Life (spoilers) - “Artist finds brilliant way to mess with facial recognition technology” 
Futurism - “This New Tech Can Copy Anyone’s Voice Using Just a Minute of Audio” 
The Royal Society Publishing - “Sleep macrostructure is modulated by positive and negative social experience in adult pet dogs” 
Wired Magazine - “Snopes and the Search for Facts in a Post-Fact World” - The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt 
MIT Press - “Resisting Reduction: Designing our Complex Future with Machines” by Catherine Ahearn, Chia Evers, Natalie Saltiel, and Andre Uhl - “Lobbyists, Campaign Cash And Think Tanks: How Silicon Valley Tackled Politics” by Peter Overby 
BBC News - “Chinese man caught by facial recognition at pop concert” - “More States Opting To 'Robo-Grade' Student Essays By Computer” by Tovia Smith
Science Alert - “Insane Clown Makeup Can Help You Dodge Facial Recognition Systems” 
Radiolab - Breaking News 
Discover Magazine - “Justice is served, but more so after lunch: how food-breaks sway the decisions of judges” 

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies for the delay on this one's release; I started editing it a bit late in the week and was hindered by some technical hiccups and an episode that ended up a LOT messier than I remembered (also my fault). Sorry.)

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