When you face online harassment or abuse, it affects you in real life. Sometimes the threats come right to your front door. So what happens when an abuser takes their attacks online? Or what are you supposed to do when online abuse occurs and you're not feeling safe?

What makes online abusers tick? Most people have come across trolls, haters or even worse on the internet. Especially for people in underrepresented groups, the internet can be a place where safety does not seem a given.

Geraldine DeRuiter shared her ideas and experiences about surviving online harassment and making the internet a better place to work and play.

Geraldine is a writer. Her travel blog, The Everywhereist, catapulted her into a digital career with a large social media following. She's faced abuse of all levels. Now Geraldine speaks on her experience to help others.

The Smart Woman’s Guide to Surviving Online Abuse – Geraldine DeRuiter
The Everywhereist
Geraldine on Twitter

If you need help, please call our 24-hour hotline at 800-828-2023 or visit https://www.dasasmi.org/ for resources.

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