Meet Fabienne Braun, a barista from Switzerland! 

Fabienne’s story begins as an optician’s apprentice, traveling to different countries while taking the time to stop at each country’s local coffee shop. She became entranced by the ambiance that coffee shops possessed, like a gateway into another world entirely. 

Eventually, Fabienne enrolled in her first barista class at the global Bible school in Norway called Youth With A Mission. When she returned to Switzerland, she began to frequent a cafe called Drip Roasters. After befriending the owners, they asked her to work there as a barista, and she never looked back. 

Fabienne hopes to recruit people for the coffee industry by showing how passionate she is about her work because in Fabienne’s words, 

“Passion is attractive.”

She wants to do more than just make small talk with her customers; she wants to show them how the coffee is made and educate them on the differences in beans and roasts. 

Read the full article here

Article by Emma Niro

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