Travis Clark is hard to pin down. He's done a lot of different things over the course of his professional career. He's been a podcaster, an actor, a director, a producer, a writer, a musician, a comedian and... jeez, just pick a thing already!  But sticking with one thing has never been Travis' strong suit. That's probably how he's gone from slinging hot dogs at the Wiener Factory to producing podcasts for Spotify. And that career path has been just as treacherous as you'd imagine. Travis can currently be heard co-hosting several of the music related podcasts on the UnPops Network and he keeps threatening to do stand up again too but don't hold your breath. (P.S. Travis wrote this and has been talking in the third person the whole time like a total jackass).




Heart Shaped Pod (Nirvana podcast):

Three Dollar Pod Y'all (Limp Bizkit podcast):

Pod The Life (Korn podcast):


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