Welcome to the relaunch of I Love Coaching Podcast!

In this introductory episode, host Adam Roach takes us on a heartfelt journey through a defining moment in his life that he calls "The Beach Chair Moment." This episode delves into how a personal crisis became the catalyst for profound change, leading to the creation of the I Love Coaching community.

Key Themes:

1. The Beach Chair Moment:

   Adam shares the story of losing his mentor, who was also his father, and how this loss led to a pivotal moment of introspection and transformation. He spent three days on a beach in Charleston, reflecting on his life, career, and future direction. During this time, he received two crucial insights: the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people and the significance of the number 100 million.

2. Personal and Professional Growth:

   Through this period of reflection, Adam realized that he needed to make significant changes in his professional relationships and business ventures. This led to a series of successful business exits and the eventual founding of the I Love Coaching company, which aims to empower coaches worldwide.

3. Vision for I Love Coaching:

   The episode outlines the vision of the I Love Coaching community to impact 100 million people through coaching. Adam discusses the Real Coach Method, which stands for Relevant, Experiential, Authentic Leader, and how this methodology underpins the coaching provided by his community.

Notable Quotes:

- Adam Roach: "When I sat there in that beach chair, I heard two things. The first thing was who you surround yourself with matters."

- Adam Roach: "The I Love Coaching vision statement is to empower coaches to change and serve a hundred million people through our Real Coach Method."

Connect with the I Love Coaching community:

- Website: [ilovecoachingco.com]

- Facebook: [I Love Coaching]

- Instagram: [@ilovecoachingco]

- YouTube: [I Love Coaching Channel]