The HAARP research facility in Alaska has performed some of the most informative research we have regarding the Earth's ionosphere.  Of course, with innovation comes conspiracy theories.  Did the US military construct it to try and weaponize our atmosphere?  Have they found a way to control our weather? Or are they seeking to flip the Earth's magnetic poles?

Aislinn brings the science, so you don't have to worry if you're not entirely sure what the ionosphere is.  Miranda, as always, brings the sarcastic comments, so you'll also have a lot of laughs.

It's an extra informative (and fascinating!) episode as we look into the incredible feats of the HAARP.



High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Conspiracy Theories Abound as US Military Closes HAARP

Van Allen radiation belt


Atmospheric physics: Heating up the heavens

Background on the HAARP Project

The Troposphere - overview | UCAR Center for Science Education

Assessment of the Ionospheric and Tropospheric Effects in Location Errors of Data Collection Platforms in Equatorial Region during High and Low Solar Activity Periods

Scientists reveal energy exchange between troposphere and ionosphere in Congo Basin


Basic Ozone Science

The Earth's Magnetic Pole Shifts - National Geographic


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