Doug Smith and Laura Armstrong eschew the bad of 2016 and focus on the good ― sports! ― while reviewing the year in the final episode before a month-long break. The I’ll Have Another co-hosts pick their beer of the year, their favourite stories in hockey, basketball, soccer and baseball as well as get in a few more praises and jabs with their most beloved cheers and jeers of the last 12 months. Plus, a report card for Toronto’s five main franchises: TFC, the Raptors, the Blue Jays, the Maple Leafs and the Argos. All in all, the verdict is in: Smith and Armstrong agree 2016 was the best year in Toronto sports history. Who gets the honour of being named the city’s team of the year? You’ll have to listen to find out. But who’s the real winner of this successful sports season in The Six? The fans, of course.