In this episode, I talk to the incredible painter, Anna Valdez. Anna is an artist based in Oakland, CA. Anna has had a wonderful amount of success exhibiting her work extensively. In this episode, we talk about her life and community in CA, being present in painting and also in her other interests such as gardening, fermenting and beekeeping.

She was recently in an amazing show The Beyond: Georgia O’Keeffe and Contemporary Art at Crystal Bridges. The show has traveled and is currently at North Carolina Art Museum. This woman is amazing and if you aren’t following her on Instagram, def follow her so you can check out not only her work but all the other incredible processes she is involved with.

Her work has been featured in Juxtapoz Magazine, New American Paintings,, and Daily Serving and has been exhibited at Hashimoto Contemporary in San Francisco, and Dianna Witte Gallery in Toronto Canada. 


Shout Outs: