Terry Stotts is gone. Damian Lillard wants to call the shots. Where do the Portland Trail Blazers go from here?

This 37-minute audio story by Brandon Goldner takes us through the decisions Blazers owner Jody Allen has to make: "Small" decisions like the players and the coach; "Big" decisions like how much to involve Dame, and the Blazers' General Manager; and "Foundational" decisions, like whether to keep Dame at all, selling the team, and the possibility of the Blazers leaving Portland.

This feature is available in both a written and audio format, and both include identical narrative content, including this piece here! To find this in both written and audio form, visit WeLikeTheBlazers.com; for audio only, search for We Like the Blazers in any podcatcher. We hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading and listening!

Terry Stotts is gone. Damian Lillard wants to call the shots. Where do the Portland Trail Blazers go from here?

This 37-minute audio story by Brandon Goldner takes us through the decisions Blazers owner Jody Allen has to make: "Small" decisions like the players and the coach; "Big" decisions like how much to involve Dame, and the Blazers' General Manager; and "Foundational" decisions, like whether to keep Dame at all, selling the team, and the possibility of the Blazers leaving Portland.

This feature is available in both a written and audio format, and both include identical narrative content, including this piece here! To find this in both written and audio form, visit WeLikeTheBlazers.com; for audio only, search for We Like the Blazers in any podcatcher. We hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading and listening!