Do you find yourself hiding behind not having the time or energy to move your business forward? Perhaps you have children or other responsibilities that always seem to come first. But balance is possible. Christy Lingo is one of our amazing Mastermind members and entrepreneur mom who has built her business with balance in mind.

Christy is no stranger to entrepreneurship. She started her first business several years ago, but as she grew in her skills and in her role as a mom, she realized that she is brilliant at a few key things. One of those things is helping her children to feel motivated, inspired, and encouraged to find their independence.

She has created a course to help parents imbue their children with the skills needed to play and learn independently. None of this would have been possible however unless she was willing to do life and business her way.

Listen as she shares what her schedule looks like, why meditation and a morning routine are imperative to her growth, and how fun it can be to really engage your kids. She has been a source of constant inspiration to me and I’m so excited to have her share her positive attitude and can-do spirit with you.

Never think that you don’t have the time to make your dreams come true. It’s never about the time. Why are you holding back and playing small?

In this Episode:

[02:57] Welcome Christy Lingo to the show.

[03:47] Learn more about the story behind the success.

[06:14] When she left her job did she feel ready or was there any hesitation?

[07:50] Why was her initial exit plan set for 5 years?

[09:25] What was it like when she decided to pivot her business?

[11:30] How did she find the permission to move forward in her business?

[13:17] I gave Christy a shake-up at IHML Live… learn how!

[18:50] Why you need to just do the homework.

[20:23] What happened after she had her breakthrough?

[24:04] Mindset is so important as is high performance.

[25:05] How has meditation changed her life and business?

[28:12] Learn more about how Christy has found balance between work and home.

[31:19] How do you decide what your priorities are for each day?

[33:39] Does she work a full 40hrs each week?

[35:06] Christy shares how she engaged her kids throughout Spring Break and summer.

[37:56] What’s next for Christy’s company and family?

[39:54] Hear some advice around the efficacy of coaching.

[41:10] Connect with Christy.

[41:26] What is one way that you can create a life better than your dreams?


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Christy on YouTube
Christy on LinkedIn

Business Savvy Mama Podcast

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind


“Even if it’s 1% true, it’s our job to be looking at that and be the observer and ask ourselves, “What does this actually mean?” and lean into it because that’s where the good stuff is.” - Emily Williams

“I feel so secure and stable in everything that I’ve done. I feel like I’m learning to do things the proper way rather than just doing it and then having to spend a couple months fixing what I’ve done.” - Christy Lingo