Previous Episode: S04:E04 – "John 8:32"
Next Episode: S04:E06 – "CornCar"

Thinking about the stupendous crisis that awaits us.

Thinking about the stupendous crisis that awaits us.

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Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere. So schools must reopen.
Keyboard follow up
Booch follow up

Huster’s booch bottle complaint

Mayor Ghirardelli - Nothing’s my fault and I have no power

Possible new names for him:

Derrick Rigatoni
Merrick don Confetti

People say it’s racist to confuse his name with some other Italian surname
This is impossible because Italians aren’t human

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Sunday said L.A. opened too quickly and again warned that the city was close to imposing some type of new stay-at-home order as coronavirus cases continued to spike.

Speaking on CNN, Garcetti was asked about a Los Angeles Times editorial that criticized the rapid reopening of California, which was followed by a major surge in both new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

“I think a lot of people don’t understand, mayors often have no control what opens up and doesn’t — that’s either at a state or county level,” Garcetti said. “And I do agree that those things happened too quickly.”

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News roundup:

Trump’s Postmaster General is destroying the USPS

Please complain about the USPS to my senator

Jerry Falwell Jr. got lit on air

Jerry Falwell Jr. Out ‘Indefinitely’ at Liberty University After Unzipped Pants Photo

Apple is being increasingly dumb about their walled garden

Just pretending to be federal agents now

I wear my sunglasses indoors so I can, so I can intimidate poor minimum wage workers

Domains are anonymized
Seems to be related to the Michigan United for Liberty, an organization that’s sprung out of anti-vaxxers and is run by a chiropractor
Importance Of Breathing
Please just fuck all the way off

Start pronouncing white pundits and rightwing public figures’ names with german accents???

Summer Goals:

Dial back the work/quality of the show
Never get involved

No, I will not dive into the discourse

Never Tweet
Pronounce clowns in their proper Italian accent

More tax-advantaged savings accounts!

They’ve got their eye on the ball

Joe Biden: be the train president and we’ll endorse you

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