Thinking about free speech and beans.

Thinking about free speech and beans.

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Coronavirus: Permanent Edition

The Looming Eviction Catastrophe

CalPERS wilding out

CalPERS gambles on risky investment move - CalMatters
CalPERS Plans to Blow Its Brains Out: Seeks to Increase Risk by Boosting Private Equity, Private Debt, and Leveraging the Entire Fund - naked capitalism


Plan for high-speed rail rolls out for San Francisco to San Jose — but with little cash -
The Southern leg is set for 2033, which is the earliest date Aaron can retire… 🤔

McDonalds Architecture

Bring back the red roofs
Reject modernity, embrace tradition

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Sponsor: Liberty Mask

Protection against Antifa
(it’s actually just an n95 mask, but don’t tell them)

The Harper’s Letter

There are economic classes and social classes, but there are also intellectual/educational classes

Maybe this letter is an example of intellectual/educational class solidarity

Twitter has also enabled The Little Guy to voice resistance to which the powerful can’t really respond to or silence, and they find this irritating and unacceptable
Asymmetrical warfare

Free speech is often likened to a marketplace of ideas. … This “marketplace” metaphor was popularized in the United States in the early twentieth century by the Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, who argued that truth could best be promoted by a “free trade in ideas.” … In fact, the “marketplace” metaphor perfectly describes the power dynamics of free speech in a capitalist society, though not in the way that its proponents intended. Multinational corporations aspiring toward monopolistic control of capital and information establish the general confines in which the vast majority of humanity sell their labor and articulate their speech. The market of commodities is inseparable from the market of ideas, since ideas are commodified along with everything else in capitalist society. All non-incarcerated citizens may have an equal right to literally speak, but the ability to make that speech heard and make it matter is highly stratified.
(from “Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook” by Mark Bray)

The J.K. Rowling Situation
Why doesn’t she just fuck off to her yacht which she apparently has

Oh wait she sold it

The Center for a New Liberalism

Thinkin bout thos beans

Goya in the news
Conservatives owning themselves by owning the libs
Buying an entire pallet of black beans to own the libs

Consumerist mindset

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