Previous Episode: S03:E12 - "Glitchified"
Next Episode: S03:E14 - "L4A"

Fast-talking pundits of the world: we’re coming for you!

Fast-talking pundits of the world: we’re coming for you!

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Aaron is “soaking” his “beans”
Andrew has set himself up with too many things to do in the evenings and has now added stress to his life


Fair and Equal Michigan

MICHIGAN REGISTERED VOTERS: please sign the petition here:

Bougie facemasks
Boomer irrationality is going to get us killed

They have no idea how to wear a mask
They have no idea what 6 feet looks like
They must touch everything, like a toddler
They are like a promethean creation of consumerist neoliberalism

Goodwin’s Third Law: non confidunt in eo qui utitur quam qui in sententia ne unam quidem sententiam Latine

never trust a person who uses more than one latin phrase in a single sentence

Does Ben Shapiro Only Sound Smart Because He Talks Fast? An Investigation

Keith Truthers

Gonna need a fact check on this one

Stater Brothers

Stater Bros. History
Stater Bros. bumps workers’ hourly rate $2 for four weeks – Press Enterprise
Not Enough Brown

Stater Bros. leader Jack Brown remembered as friend, fighter in grocery industry – San Bernardino Sun

“During the devastating [2003] strike/lockout that brought Safeway-Vons to their knees, organized (unions) never struck a Jack Brown store. Not the butchers, not the bakers, not the service workers — because the rank-and-file blue collar could always count on Jack Brown to do the right thing,” grocery analyst Burt P. Flickinger said. Brown, who began work as a box boy at age 13, worked in the grocery industry his entire life. He was one of the food retail industry’s greatest visionaries, Flickinger said.

“He opened stores in food deserts to support low-income families, supported family-run suppliers and championed employees,” said Flickinger, managing director of retail consulting firm Strategic Resource Group in New York.

“He was uniquely focused on raising the standards of living for shoppers everywhere. Jack always had the lowest prices on the highest quality product.

Chocolate Power Rankings 2

Lindt 72%
Lindt Touch of Sea Salt
Whole Foods Dark Chocolate
Lindt 78%
Godiva Dark Chocolate
Lindt 85%
Cadbury Royal Dark (disqualified)

The Federalist’s co-founder gets in trouble for a "joke"

It’s Never My Fault

Serenely insulating myself from criticism by deciding all criticism of me is a Russian hoax

Liberal journalists are the biggest martyrs in the history of victimhood

Glitchification: what is it?

It’s like a natural immune response to worldwide insanity—-it is good.
Relation to

Sicko Mode

Combo streak for violence


terminal glitchification


Democrats are the Washington Generals
When asking, “why are dems doing this” about any of their moves that make no tactical sense and completely disrupt any good-faith in the part, maybe we should start assuming it’s because they’re more about dispiriting the left than anything else

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