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Dalentines Vay
“Raising awareness”

Aaron don’t read this


Suddenly, Bloomberg




White Nationalists for Bloomberg


Bloomberg’s Bad, Folks! Real Bad!



Is the American left about to prioritize virtue signaling over keeping an unqualified monomaniac from a second term as president?


Slumlords As A Service

To squeeze every penny out of these inner-city goldmines, scammers have started outsourcing property management to ill-equipped call centres in the Philippines. The scammers call it “systemising”, a process of grabbing as many apartments as possible, filling them with identikit furniture, taking professional-looking photographs and then using every trick in the book to turn them into lucrative investments. Some of these tricks, though morally dubious, are perfectly legal. But others breach both Airbnb’s policies and local planning laws, while also putting the safety of guests at risk. As Vice found in October 2019, Airbnb is littered with fake and downright dodgy listings. But in London, where Airbnb enforces an annual 90-day limit on all “entire homes” listed on its platform, scammers have made a mockery of lax enforcement both by regulators and Airbnb itself, by turning entire new-build apartment blocks into de facto hotels designed for the short-term rental market.

(I stumbled across a huge Airbnb scam that’s taking over London - WIRED UK)

The Bernard Discourse

The Continuing Narrative of BernieBros

The media and pundits on twitter continue to push the BernieBro narrative, painting Bernie supporters as a bunch of angry white men

This is reductionist, obviously, but also wrong

A lot of pundits are simply annoyed that you dare to contradict them. They have decided that criticism is violence.



Weird how all the anti-bernie democratic experts have financial links to conservatives/fascists

James Carville is on the payroll of Palantir

Palantir is a secretive big data and analytics company whose tools make up the infrastructure of police departments and ICE, among other ignoble things
The founder is Peter Thiel

According to interviews and documents obtained by The Verge, Palantir first approached New Orleans in 2012 through a well-known intermediary: James Carville, the Democratic Party power broker and architect of Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign. Carville is a paid adviser of Palantir whose involvement with the data-mining company dates back at least to 2011.

In an interview, Carville told The Verge that he was the impetus for the collaboration between Palantir and New Orleans. “I am the sole driver of that project. It was entirely my idea,” said Carville, adding that he and Palantir CEO Alex Karp flew down to New Orleans to meet with Mayor Landrieu. “To me, it was a case of morality. Young people were shooting each other, and the public wasn’t as involved as they should have been.”

Palantir has secretly been using New Orleans to test its predictive policing technology - The Verge

Bad faith criticism of Bernie and/or Socialism




Bernie’s doing bad, actually


Escabeche? More like Escabech-bae


Andrew’s Powders
Residential Mio Expert

Striver Theory applied: Municipal Peter & Hall-monitor Liz

S01:E09 “Big Dog and The Strivers”
Andrew’s theory of Strivers

A Striver is someone who fully buys into the Capitalist American Dream
They’re always going somewhere, never happy with where they are, always comparing themselves to everyone else
They have a tendency to make you feel bad, sometimes passively, because they need to know they’re better than someone
We love it


But the truth is, the youthful, progressive left has long despised the man that TikTok teens ridicule as “Mayo Pete.” And while Gen Z has made a social media sport of seizing his bland centrism for meme fodder, the millennials closest in age to the 38-year-old presidential hopeful are wracked by a more visceral contempt, informed by both their experience of American adulthood and the memory of growing up with peers who embody Pete’s brand of white-collar smarm. He’s the ruthless climber who wants a promotion at any cost, the rat who will sell you out the second you stop being useful to him. He’s the guy with opinions that shift according to the room he’s in. He did well in debate club, because he had the knack for disingenuous rhetoric. For some reason, he prefers to rip up a cinnamon roll and gnaw on the pieces. What the fuck is his deal?



The Lisa Simpson candidate
If I excel at the system, maybe I can change the system from within
We love it, folks.

A Just Transition for Spreadsheet Workers

We cannot simply abandon all of the consultant-class. We will retrain them to do janitorial work.

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