As of publishing this we are not at war with Iran, but who knows 🤷‍♂️

As of publishing this we are not at war with Iran, but who knows 🤷‍♂️

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Crisis Averted?


How the frig is Trump actually sensible about this?
Trump authorized an airstrike on Iran, then called it off with planes already in the air.

Vader Mask Followup

Aaron has adapted for space travel
Nasal pillow

If Everything’s Socialism, Nothing’s Socialism

Chernobyl happened because of Socialism


It’s impossible to watch HBO’s CHERNOBYL without thinking of Donald Trump; like those in charge of the doomed Russian reactor, he’s a man of mediocre intelligence in charge of great power–economic, global–that he does not understand.
@StephenKing, 30 May 2019


Why do Hollywood elitists continue to publicly humiliate themselves on twitter? Chernobyl was a failure of socialism (where the govt controls the means of production), the exact opposite of the Trump deregulation and tax cut agenda.
@DanBoingoBoingoBongoDummy, 30 May 2019

“Stephen King Likens ‘Chernobyl’ to Trump, Ignores Socialism”
“HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’ Indicts Soviet Socialism. Reviews Downplay It”
“HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’ Gives Voice To Ordinary Soviets’ Horror Of Socialism”
“Conservatives Love HBO’s ‘Chernobyl,’ But Socialists Don’t Want To Talk About It”

The Boy Who Cried Socialism

Posit: if your political strategy is based on avoiding being called “socialist” you’re doing it wrong
Also l posit: millenials and zoomers have had the bad guys calling everything socialism for so long we just learned to dismiss that bullschwa

Munch Minute

Lifehack: Cold Noodles in Salad

Mung bean starch
Put noodles in your salad, cowards

Pelon Pelo Rico

So, Can We Talk About The Glory That Is Pelon Pelo Rico? - BuzzFeed


Marissa Fuchs’s Proposal Was Pitched to Brands - The Atlantic

Branded Proposal

A German Influencer Couple Said His Mom Pays For Their Travel And Are Getting Dragged For It

The C-Word

Concentration Camps

Republicans are trying to weaponize political correctness against a correct and entirely accurate description of immigration practices.
Mostly it’s to distract us from actually putting a stop to it. Instead we just talk about what the right term is.

Maybe they’d prefer if we called them ghettos?

File Under: Things You Don’t Understand Aren’t Necessarily Bad

So Much for ‘Hope And Change’

Biden Tells Elite Donors He Doesn’t Want to ‘Demonize’ the Rich

“Truth of the matter is, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done,” Biden said. “We can disagree in the margins. But the truth of the matter is, it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living would change. Nothing would fundamentally change,” he said.

Insert foot DIRECTLY into mouth

Cryptocurrency Announcement

WoolooCoin has been acquired by Facebook

It will be sunset effective immediately
All WoolooCoins are now worthless

Facebook announces Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra digital wallet - VentureBeat

Trust is vital, Carlson said, because you will have to not only trust Facebook to keep your social data safe, you’re going to have to trust it to be hack-free. If someone hacks your account, they could steal your cryptocurrency. That’s a somewhat common occurrence these days, so Facebook will have to be extremely disciplined to make sure it doesn’t happen.


Wife Guys

The Age of the Internet ‘Wife Guy’ - The New York Times

The ‘Wife Guys’ of the 2020 presidential race - The Washington Post[^tfw

Andrew’s Sofa Followup

Twitter Mentions