We really explore the space— shop for sofas and learn about kitchen gadgets, then discuss how the finance world and hegemonic leaders are gonna’ get away with letting the earth burn because, “woah, turns out the unedited version of this video changes everything!”

We really explore the space— shop for sofas and learn about kitchen gadgets, then discuss how the finance world and hegemonic leaders are gonna’ get away with letting the earth burn because, “woah, turns out the unedited version of this video changes everything!”

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Andrew is Sofa King

Sofa dongles
Andrew’s future wife: Jan
Carly Rae Jepsen has an album coming out and somehow this is relevant to furniture

Cooking Gadget Talk

Second Saturday Sleep explained
Sit or stand/Peel or no peel
Innovations in garlic gadgets
4 Year Old Mic’d up at Hockey
How to Sharpen Global Knives with Mino Tsuchida

The Stock Market versus Everyone Else

The race for shareholder profits has left workers in the dust, according to new research
Aaron learns the word “concomitant”
Please think of the shareholders

The Take, The Countertake, and the Take on the Countertake

The Sunrise Movement is not a cult of sun worshiping neopagans, even though that name kind of sounds like that, tbh
The Dianne Feinstein Defenders Have Logged All the Way On
LOL, stupid children, how dare you try and have opinions about your impending heat death
TIL what a Jackboot is