We live in an exciting time! You can promote your dream to the WORLD for FREE!  What??  YES!  In this episode, I run through all of the basics of selling & promoting your dream online. DON'T LET FEAR STOP YOU FROM GETTING YOUR DREAM OUT THERE!!  Your tribe is waiting for you! They need what you have to offer. You can do this!  I'm here to answer any of your tech questions. There are NO dumb questions. If you have ANY questions, send me an email at [email protected]. If you follow me or the podcast on any social media account listed below, let me know! I'd love to support you!  I'll follow your and shout you out on the podcast! 

Let me know if you have any online resources not listed here. I'd love to share tips FROM listeners WITH other listeners!  

EPISODE 19 SHOW NOTES: https://ihavedreamsdammit.com/019%3A-selling-%26-promo-tips