Well, we’re at a crossroads in Colton’s journey to find love where our bachelor has reached a breaking point. Although our boy is feeling ALL the feels, the one dominating his heart right now is confusion.

Who is here for the right reasons?
What is the Hogwarts Express doing in Colorado?
When will Caelynn let down her walls and start cursing like a sailor in front of everyone?
Where is the rest of Hannah B’s top?
Why has Peter Brady Ben Higgins replaced Our Host Chris Harrison as the resident mentor?

If that is the case, someone send help. I’ll be over here in the corner rocking back and forth in the fetal position.


Did you know Chris Harrison was a host on an HGTV show called Designer's Challenge?

Although the train looked like the Hogwarts Express, it was not.

Hannah B. is probably tired of being number two to Caelynn. But did you know that some very popular songs in our iTunes accounts also never made it to the number one mark on the charts?

If you’d like to read an entire recap of Colton’s seventh episode, click HERE!


My friend Bethany Turner has a book coming out in May. It’s called Wooing Cadie McCaffrey. If you like binging romantic comedies on Netflix, you will LOVE her!

One of our very own long-time IHGB readers, Emma St Clair, wrote a romance novel based on a reality show just like The Bachelor and it is killing it on Amazon. It’s called The Billionaire Love Match and it couldn’t be more delightful. You’re not going to find any fantasy suites, but you will find all the characters endearing. Especially the sassy female lead who wears boots!


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