Happy New Year everyone!

In this episode, Some Guy in Austin is back to help me analyze season 23 of The Bachelor. We discuss all the women on Colton’s love roster and their impressive icebreakers:

The dead butterfliesPopping cherry balloonsDog loversCardboard confessionalsAnd one annoying sloth

Whether you’re for Colton or against Colton, I think this season is going to be a doozy. DRAMA! WAILING! SNOT! AND TEARS!

And the girls get emotional too.


One of our very own long-time IHGB readers, Emma St Clair, wrote a romance novel based on a reality show just like The Bachelor and it is killing it on Amazon. I read it in a day and loved it. Do you know why? Because I laughed. Emma is witty. You don’t get that much in romances. It’s called The Billionaire Love Match and it couldn’t be more delightful. You’re not going to find any fantasy suites, but you will find all the characters endearing. Especially the sassy female lead who wears boots!

This video of John Travolta and Pitbull made us dream about a Latin version of Saturday Night Fever. We're working on a trademark right now.

Once again, the Gap swing commercial makes its way into my life.

If you'd like to read an entire recap of Colton's first episode, click HERE!


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Enjoy the show!