This week my friend Stephanie and I discuss the one and only Britney Spears. When I mention her name, what image comes to mind? Is it an innocent school girl with pigtails? Or is it images of a shaven head? Whatever the case may be, Stephanie and I discuss this musical icon's place in pop culture history.

And yes, we do breakdown the wonder that is Crossroads.

Here are a few handy links related to the topics we cover:

Young Stephanie L-O-V-E-D Britney's "Sometimes" video and can describe quite literally everything that is going on in the choreography. As a podcaster, I truly appreciate her vivid word play.

We also talked about her infamous flesh bodysuit and albino python at the MTV video music awards.

Do you remember her "For Those Who Think Young" Pepsi commercial? I loved it at the time, but it didn't convince me to buy Pepsi. I'm a loyal Pepper.

Like Steph mentions, the video is grainy, but if you want to watch Crossroads on YouTube, your wish is our command!

Who could forget JT's "Cry Me a River" video with a Britney Spears lookalike?

Stephanie would be so mad at me if I didn't include a link to her crush Anson Mount, who managed to get a job after his Crossroads fame!

Last but not least, here's a link to the IHGB podcast or one to iTunes if you're interested in subscribing.

Enjoy the show!