Happy Thursday everyone!
Before we get to the episode, I wanted to remind you that you have a few more days to buy my book Why I Hate Green Beans in digital format for only $2.99. That’s less than one of Wells' famous margaritas. Click that link right now!
Did you do it? Great!
Now back to Paradise.
We are in the home stretch and that means things are getting ugly. People are tipsy, others are desperate, and many are switching partners like, well, like it’s a reality show about dating.
Some Guy in Austin and I break it down for you. We talk about the Kendall, Joe, Leo drama and how Eric majorly rocked Angela’s boat (not in a good way) and how Some Guy and I are afraid of MRI machines.
It all weaves together nicely. Trust me.

Do you suffer from claustrophobia? This link will FREAK YOU OUT!

Who needs to learn how to throw a punch? I've got the YouTube video for you.

Some Guy in Austin used to write a Bachelor recap. Here's a post that includes Cassandra from Juan Pablo's season. Fair warning: SGIA is a saucier I am...

If you’d like to read this week’s Bachelor in Paradise recap, you can find that HERE and HERE!



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Enjoy the show!