Before you listen to the show, I wanted to give you a head’s up on a few things:

This episode is all over the map. Some Guy in Austin and I were both traveling, which is an entire ordeal by itself. We had to watch the show LIVE, heaven forbid. But this week is also the perfect storm for me. My second book is due, my roommate Lara and I are packing up to move across the neighborhood, there's a devil bird that won't stop chirping out my window, and I had this weird throat thing when I recorded the intro.

I also call Becca by the name of Desire and Elroy by the name of Elmo.

You know, from The Jetsons? How else am I supposed to describe Becca's tin foil diaper she wore on the dodge ball date?
The following information you are about to hear is of personal opinion. However, if you or someone you Snap happen to personally know, sort of know, is friends with the Starbucks barista who's obsessed with The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and looks exactly like one of the contestants on the show…none of this is personal and I’m sure they are all lovely people.

I think I called Becca, Desire, because I saw her on the horrific Ocean's 8 dramatization/commercial/ad. It featured bachelorettes from days of yore. I was able to track it down for you on Kaitlyn's Twitter feed. Watch at your own risk.

Speaking of Ocean's 8, I'll be watching this weekend and reviewing it for the website. I can't wait!

Some Guy forgot about Desire's "Right Reasons" Bachelorette video with Soulja-Boy. I have no clue how that happened because A.) He remembers everything and B.) It's unforgettable in every way.

And we discuss Taylor Swift's bathing suits. Because why not.


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Enjoy the show!