I’m thrilled to bring you the episode you’ve been waiting on for months now…Bachelorette Becca has a list of suitors!
When we last saw Bachelorette Becca, she was nursing some pretty serious wounds after her appearance on After the Final Rose. Arie proposed. Then he took it back with a harsh PSYCHE! So the producers over at ABC said, “Let’s make this girl the next bachelorette and get her hitched!”
ABC rounded up some models, professional athletes, and a chicken to help Becca on her journey to find love. But before we start, I need to mention something…
The following information you are about to hear is of personal opinion. However, if you or someone you Snap happen to personally know, sort of know, is friends with the Starbucks barista who's obsessed with The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and looks exactly like one of the contestants on the show…none of this is personal and I’m sure they are all lovely people.

I wrote a longer piece about each guy if you'd like a break-down of all Becca's men!

If you'd like a visual reference of the men we discuss today, here is the roster on the ABC website.

We discuss Blake's apple.

Sports Illustrated, yes THE Sports Illustrated, discusses one of Becca's guys who is an NFL player. A real player!

Tell me Leo doesn't look like Aquaman.

When Some Guy and I talk about Burt from Mary Poppins and his one man band, this is what we envision for Ryan...


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