Hello, everyone!

It's week two, and my love for Gerry is still strong. My roommate Lara joins me today to share Gerry's first week dating twenty-two women, and we do have a count of how many times he cried. Note for the audio, I cried more than anyone in the room, and I'm not feeling weird about it at all. Lara and I break down the details of the dates, including:

Did anyone think through making Gerry drive at nighttime on a busy California highway?

Kudos to Susan for having the forethought to pack a white fringe flapper dress in case she has to jump out of a fake birthday cake.

When did pirate wench become a genre for romance novels?

And why in the world did ABC make these women stay in bunk beds?

If Joan breaks a hip falling out of the top bunk when she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I'm going to be so upset.


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