Well, it was an eye-opening show, that's for sure. I've never seen so many tears, snotty noses, and drunken hiccups this early in the season. The boys had the power. So our bachelorettes TOOK IT FROM THEM. And it backfired in their tight faces, leaving many unanswered questions.

In this episode, Some Guy in Austin and I try to get answers to these questions. For example:

Did no one consider what would happen if a dude rejected one of the bachelorette's roses?Is Jesse Palmer using the rejected roses as potpourri in his trailer?Are denim panties made with Mom jeans worse than regular denim panties?Did you take reflection pictures as a child as I did? Mullets: Yay or nay?Could childhood slideshows be any more boring? (Speak with a Chandler accent...)Do you think of Grease 2 every time you see bowling?

I love this show so much. 


Here's the recap for episode 3.

HERE is a link to the Google Doc with the dude's Instagram feeds.

And here's the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night's Game. I can't wait!!!

Click HERE to be sucked in by the stats on Bachelor Data!


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