I want to start this episode off with an apology. I was attacked by the crud last week, which kept insisting I lay horizontal no matter how I insisted that things needed to get done. In the end, it was the podcast that suffered the host's wrath that took up residence in my body. For that, I apologize. I rarely miss an episode, and I appreciate those who reached out to ensure I was not in a ditch somewhere.

Fortunately, my voice came back a few days ago, and I rallied with Some Guy in Austin so we could nitpick Michelle's roster to see who exactly is here for the right reasons. In my opinion, it's only Granny Smith Rodney, but I'll give these other jokers a shot at winning Michelle's heart. And how might one do that?

Well, for starters, you don't act like a junior high boy and ignore her at the church lock-in slumber party. Some Guy thinks the producers told the men to ignore Michelle and play with teddy bears and popcorn machines instead. I have a different theory.

Boys are stupid.


Here's the Bachelorette Michelle recap.

And here's the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night's Game. I can't wait!!!

Click HERE to be sucked in by the stats on Bachelor Data!


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