Hello everyone!

I’ve been podcasting for four years, so this was bound to happen sooner or later. Unfortunately, some Guy in Austin and I experienced technical difficulties. That means the editing is, how shall I put this, a little choppy.

Let the record show that Some Guy in Austin did not blow a gasket. Neither did I. We both know that poor audio on a podcast that we record for fun is not the end of the world.

Additionally, y’all just sat through two hours of Men Tell All. If you can do that, you can do anything. 


Here’s the Bachelorette Katie recap from Men Tell All.

And here’s the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night’s Game. I can’t wait!!!

Click HERE to see the 2021 Summer Book List.


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Buy My Books: It’s a Love Story and Why I Hate Green Beans

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