Episode 21 of the IHateGreenBeans podcast is all about the television show Outlander. I have never been silent about my love for this show, but I thought it would be fun to discuss Jamie and Claire from a male perspective. Thanks to his wife who has very good taste in television programming, Some Guy in Austin not only watches, but has very specific opinions about a certain Scottish highlander and his Sassenach.

We have a long debate about this moment:

And believe it or not, we have a healthy discussion (for once) comparing Outlander to The Notebook.

I KNOW! A healthy discussion comparing Noah and Jamie! CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE?!

Some Guy is pretty passionate about the vocabulary he chooses to describe certain events. A constant censor beep would have been super annoying, so I utilized more creative measures to make sure this podcast stays clean as a whistle...for the most part.

I hope you enjoy!