Happy New Year everyone!

Well, it’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life for Matt James. And he’s feeling good. Want to know why?

Because his journey to find love doesn’t involve a hotel that might as well be located on the surface of the sun. 

ABC learned its lesson and has moved the show to a luxury resort in Pennsylvania. Instead of having free rein of a prop closet full of craft supplies, this place has actual date-like things to do and outdoor experiences. We won’t see Matt James sweating through three layers of a charcoal grey wool/polyester blend suit, but we will see him shirtless at least once per week.

Some Guy in Austin and I answer all the questions you asked yourself during the episode. 

Do you think the girl who brought a bowl of noodles and the girl who brought a meatball used a coupon at Olive Garden?Is Chelsea the same height as our Bachelor?Are you more attractive when you can drive a stick shift?And how much hand sanitizer would it take if someone tapped you on the shoulder with a CENSOR?

The correct answer is: Not enough.


Here’s Matt James premiere episode recap!

And here’s the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night’s Game. I can’t wait!!!


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