Hello everyone!

Well, we are back in Bachelor mode, and if you are a fan of the show, you probably know that the bios of Hannah Bama’s men dropped this week.

Some Guy in Austin joins me and for the first time ever, he has neither researched nor looked at the bios provided by ABC. We get his knee-jerk reaction to Hannah’s suitors, which was a brave decision on my part.

I’ve never edited a podcast so much in my life. I would assume you parents out there tuning in aren’t listening with children, since this is a podcast on a raunchy reality show. But just in case you are, maybe skip the part about a rapping bachelor name Cam. 

Also, I left a blooper at the beginning of the show. Enjoy that little peek behind the curtain!

Based on a handful of sentences and bullet points, season 15 is shaping up to be quite the Chach Parade.

Which is totally fine, in my book. I love a parade.


Here's the link to the bios on ABC's website. Follow along as we discuss hero hair and severe parts!

Or you could read my recap. I included photos there, too.


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Enjoy the show!