Previous Episode: The One About Toys

How did you go about planning out your family? Did you want to have a big family or just a few children? How has the planning translated to now? In this episode we get into some of Erinn and Ashley’s personal decisions and opinions when creating their families. 

Some things we talk about in this episode:

* Whats the best age gap in between kids? Research says 4 years for optimal development.

Why Erinn and Ashley choose the amount of kids they did? Erinn has 2 and Ashley has 1.

What did we envision for our lives in regards to marriage and children? Ashley’s vision changed drastically over the years and Erinn stuck to her plan! 

What is a good age to start having kids? It has changed over time —  it used to be younger ages were ideal and now we see a cultural shift in waiting until we are older. 

Personal Family dynamics when we were younger? Ashley was raised by a single mom, has one younger sister (2 years apart), and moved often. Erinn was raised by married parents, has one older sister (2 years apart), and lived in the same house for her entire childhood. 

Join us on this chat and discover some of the behind the scenes to Erinn and Ashley’s lives!