Chris Ferrie has created an innovative and fun line of books designed to introduce science to babies and when I say babies I mean infants. Chris Ferrie's books use colorful and simple images along with easy to understand language to explain concepts in Quantum Physics, Newtonian Physics, Chemistry and more. These books are designed for parents to read to their infants . By introducing babies to big ideas early, Chris believes that you can spark a lifelong interest in Science. In this episode we will learn more about this fascinating line of baby books and their creator.


Where can I get a copy and how many are there?


Go to the Fountain Bookstore's web site. They ship books to any state in the US. They have the full line of Chris Ferrie's books. Plus you will support a wonderful bookstore that is dedicated to connecting readers and authors. Let the good folks at the Fountain Bookstore know I sent you. I get no reward off of this except the pleasure of supporting a wonderful bookstore who introduced me to a wonderful series of books and hosted a great author events. That is reward enough.


The Fountain Bookstore


Links to Chris Ferrie's web pages


The Amber Tamblyn author event at the Fountain Bookstore