I had the magnificent pleasure to talk with historical mystery author Nekesa Afia about her new book "Dead Dead Girls". A mystery set in the Harlem Renaissance.


We discussed:
01:25 – Nekesa shares why she selected 1920s Harlem as the setting for her mystery
03:03 – We learn how Nekesa's sleuth Louise Lloyd was created
06:22 – We talk about how the reader will gain a new insight into Harlem and the 1920s
07:36 – Nekesa share more on the events that have had an early effect on Louise
10:35 – We learn the sources of Louise's courage
13:34 – Nekesa gives us insight in Louise Lloyd's life when she is not on a case
16:19 – The Zodiac club plays a key role in the story and Nekesa shares the vivid image she has for this club.
18:27 – We discuss the wonderful relationships between the characters in Dead Dead Girls
22:54 – Nekesa Afia shares insight into her writing process