Cozy mystery author, Esme Addison ( talks with me about her new book, "A Spell for Trouble." We talk about her inclusion of Polish folklore and magical realism in this fun and addictive novel.

We talk about the town Esme's story is set in a town called Bellamy Bay.

In Esme's novel, the family of the sleuth run an apothecary shop. Esme tells us why she selected this profession and how it provides a rich world for her story.

Esme tells us why she selected risk management as the profession for her central character Alex.

Esme explains why she includes magical elements in her cozy mystery.

We learn some interesting information about how perfumes are designed.

Esme share advice for writers on how to make readers taste and smell the items describe in a story. Also, she shares advice for persons who are thinking about writing their own cozy mystery.

You have created a new and wonderful world in Bellamy Bay, can we look forward to seeing more books in this series and if so when?