DEATH NOTE is a 2006 anime series which lasted for 37 episodes, before spinning off countless live action films, musicals, and a North American adaptation on Netflix coming in 2017. Noah and Bill match their differing experiences with pan-Asian animation and come to a consensus about the topic.

@noahandbillshow -- @williamscurry -- @noahtarnow

00:00-15:12 -- Introduction, and What is a Death Note?
15:34-22:34 -- Why is Death Note so popular?
22:50-27:32 -- Would you have liked Death Note if you were a kid?
27:54-33:49 -- Death Note is NOT a sign of the apocalypse, and conclusion

This week's theme: "The World” by Nightmare (“Death Note” theme song).

New episodes every Monday morning on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher, and GooglePlay!