Temptation Island is back with it's 4th season and Mr.B and I are living for every stupid moment! 

If you're new here, Mr.B and I created this podcast because we wanted to share our love/hate relationship with Temptation Island with the world! 

For us, it's reality gold! 

This week we meet the couples, the singles, and set the stage for what's ahead! 

Feel free to watch along with us or skip the show and come here for the recap. We love having you either way + so appreciate you rocking with us for thing long. 

As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording. 

Make sure to give us a great review and follow our podcast so you never miss an episode! Subscribe to the main blog @ www.becomingwifeyblog.com. 

Don’t forget that we take episode suggestions as well as audience submissions for our above-average advice. 

Email Us @: [email protected] 

You can also check out our podcast website here. [Buzzsprout]
Twitter: @kcshoegal22 + @Mr_B_IDD
IG: @becomingwifeyblog

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