It is 2.2.22 on a TUEsday! 

Not only is this one of the most magical and powerful manifesting days we've had in a long while, but it is also podcast day! 


This week, Mr.B and I dive into crap about exes; ours, yours, + Kim Kardashian's. 

We answer some questions, share some stories, and learn that we all need to be a little more like my husband during breakups! 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this one.

As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording. 

Make sure to give us a great review and follow our podcast so you never miss an episode! Subscribe to the main blog @ 

Don’t forget that we take episode suggestions as well as audience submissions for our above-average advice. 

Email Us @: [email protected] 

You can also check out our podcast website here. [Buzzsprout]
Twitter: @kcshoegal22 + @Mr_B_IDD
IG: @becomingwifeyblog

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Twitter: @becomingwifeyb
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