With a joke about Nate's innate desire to be right, we find out why Nate wouldn't be a good parent and discuss how difficult or easy it is to raise mentally healthy kids.

Then we move on to Nate's Roger Murtaugh moment when he found out he was too old to party like he used to.

At the 8:40 mark, we get into the meat of the podcast which is all about the global energy crisis. We start off talking about the United Kingdom, then broaden back out all of Europe, and then discuss how it's impacting the entire globe. We discuss the numerous forces that are all impacting the energy sector and how all of these complex systems interact with each other. 

Then we start to discuss possible solutions including wind, solar, and nuclear energy. This includes a small discussion about how Bitcoin might help this transition.

This all leads to a long conversation about complex systems, top-down engineering vs bottom-up, risk management, and how to analyze consequences that would be localized versus non-localized.

This leads to a discussion about the risk of nuclear annihilation and whether Bitcoin reduces the odds of nuclear annihilation occurring which devolves into a conversation about whether nukes are already in space, the current state of the United States government, and the current state of individuals versus governments across the globe. And then Luc offers a theory that it won't be nuclear annihilation that destroys our species but the internet itself.

Then we finish up discussing how extremely globally connected we are now, some of the causes, and the risks associated with extreme globalization. One of the issues we address is border protection and the importance of it in a globalized world but how terrible the border patrol agents can be.

Some resources that were mentioned in this episode:

Incerto: Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile, Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicolas Taleb
Jason Lowery's Twitter


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