#31 - Welcome back to ā€˜Iā€™d Rather be at the Beachā€™, brought to you by me, Iā€™m Simon and I run The Bonjour Agency. If you work in an independent school then this is the podcast for you where we donā€™t talk about work but we do talk to people in the independent school sector.

Today we have a great guest, Iā€™ve really been looking forward to this. David Harkin is the CEO of 8billionideas, a business thatā€™s on a mission to give students the skills and belief to change the world. Youā€™ve probably seen him on social media, usually delivering a keynote speech somewhere in the world on maybe on TV, heā€™s been on various news programmes.

Anyway, we break the rules slightly here by spending a few minutes talking about work, not so that David can sell 8billionideas to you but because I wanted to ask him about starting a business because some of you listening to this right now would also like to leave where you work and do your own thing, follow your own mission. So to understand a smidge about Davidā€™s business, what they do, is a helpful thing when applying that to your own life.

So we talk about David leaving IBM to start this, running a business while having young children, we talk about running, we talk about dogs, itā€™s a great recording and I think youā€™re going to love it.

So come with me now as we dive into this recording and speak to the CEO of 8billionideas, itā€™s David Harkin.

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