Maurice Ford is a native of Little Rock Arkansas. His desire is to inspire the youth and help prevent them from committing crimes and becoming a career criminal like so many before them. He remembers as a youth, his father Robert Ford instilling life in him. Although he strayed away from those values in his youth, he was able to come back to standing on those principles and values. He’s learned how to be a good person and how to work hard for the things he wants in life. His purpose is to help the youth through speaking engagements at schools and juvenile facilities and pushing his book to those facilities in order for them to learn through his story.
Maurice currently has a 12th grade education. He graduated from Mills High School in 1999. In 2018 Maurice graduated from Pinebluff truck driving school and has been driving on the road ever since.
One quote Maurice lives by is “Life may be hard at times, but it’s fair.” This quote is how things worked out personally for him.
His aspirations in life have been to continue to work on himself mentally, spiritually, and physically.
He believes that your personal health is your wealth.

You can find Maurice on
Facebook: Maurice EL
Instagram: Lakrisha_