Katherine and Jay, also known as the BiblioBirders, join the podcast to talk about all the birds you can find on the trails and in the ponds behind the Hillsboro Brookwood Library this spring. Here are the birds identified in this episode:

Canada goose Cackling goose Wood duck Bufflehead American wigeon Mallard Hooded merganser Common merganser Northern shoveler Ring-necked duck Green-winged teal Eurasian wigeon Belted kingfisher Brewer's blackbird Cedar waxwing Tree swallow Acorn woodpecker Red-winged blackbird Cooper's hawk Osprey Bald eagle Great horned owl Brown-headed cowbird Dark-eyed junco

BiblioBirders previously released several videos on the Hillsboro Public Library's YouTube channel:

Walk with a Librarian - BiblioBirders Edition! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PkObTxaxnQ  Identify a Downy Woodpecker with BiblioBirders - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSMUI5XwN4w  BiblioBirders talk about "getting on a bird" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfTPWrv-UFc 

Katherine also wrote an article about inclusive birding through the library, which you can find here: http://publiclibrariesonline.org/2022/05/inclusive-birding-through-the-library/