Charlene Burroughs is the Vice President of School House Excellence. An expert training designer, Charlene was a career educator who worked most of her professional life in the twelfth largest school district in the United States.  Before leaving the classroom, she served children of the district for 22 years. Always aware of trends and innovations impacting teaching and learning, Charlene successfully taught kindergarten through eighth grades.

Today, Charlene joins me on my Livestream show, Beading with Sherri to talk about co-authoring the new Black History text book hitting schools across the United State in 2021, Black History 365 (BH365).

Unfortunately, Black students, in particular, are contending with emotions they may find difficult to articulate. Black students are fighting forces that were strategically established to maintain academic neutrality, while other students have significantly more opportunities to excel because they are exposed to the contributions of their ancestors – daily celebrating their history, culture, and existence throughout history textbooks and society at-large.

According to research regarding culturally responsive teaching and learning, there is a direct correlation between students’ self-awareness and academic achievement.  There is an obvious need for Black American students to achieve in the same manner – being culturally astute matters!

The lack of historical content has been a significant influencer of negative outcomes for black students and communities including:

Lack of self-awareness

Lack of self-esteem

Lack of intrinsic motivation

Decreased academic achievement


Discipline referrals

Criminal activity

Prison sentences


Learn more about the BH365 text book, Charlene and the team at


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