What is failure for you?

We all have different opinions of what failure is, and this opinion reflects our mentality and position before adversity.

Although failure is a result contrary to success, what if I told you that failure is necessary to be successful? Hard to believe, right?

As Oprah Winfrey says: "Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."

The more we fail, the more tools we have to improve, to continue climbing to success. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes and keep working on what we want to achieve.

In this episode, I want us to talk about failure and learn how to improve our relationship with it. I invite you to listen to it, and I hope it will be helpful for you.

[1:00] How do you see failure?
The way we see failure will determine our success. Think about how many times you have seen others fail, even yourself. Knowing your position before a failure will help you have a better relationship with it.

[9:43] What is failure?
As I said, we all have different points of view about it, but for me, failure is about acquiring experience and the necessary tools to achieve what I set out to do. What is failure for you?

[13:45] Failure and the comfort zone.
It is normal to aspire to a better job position or want to have a business on our own, but we do nothing for fear of leaving our comfort zone. I know that leaving our comfort zone does not guarantee success, but if we do not try, we will never know.

[18:50] What to do when we feel that we have failed?
1) Think about why you are feeling like that.
2) Think about where that thought comes from and if it is true.
3) Think that you can learn from that experience.
4) Be kind to yourself.


We cannot change what happened in the past, but you are able to change what you get from that experience and use it to your benefit. — PatriciaSuccess without failure is not success.  — Patricia.


Patricia Manley is the brain and heart behind the LA MANTUANA brand and was lucky enough to be born in the same city as women like fashion designer Carolina Herrera, Latin-American heroine Luisa Caceres de Arismendi, and music composer Teresa Carreno. Over the years, she has always been true to her roots, taken risks, and grasped any opportunity to establish herself as a real modern-day Mantuana.

Website: la-mantuana.comInstagram: @lamantuanauk  | @iammantuanaFacebook:  https://www.facebook.com/lamantuanauk

Thank you for listening!!
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