Previous Episode: Tom Egelhoff- "Ok Boomer"
Next Episode: "Ok Boomer" Full Debate

“We’re in ripe territory for big shifts in the next 50 years,” remarks notable local entrepreneur Pete Strom, “and it could go anywhere.” As the United States sits on the brink of the largest wealth transfer in human history, Strom finds himself more concerned with future generations’ non-monetary inheritance: a morally bankrupt government, social instability, and, most importantly, the climate crisis. An environmental disaster generations in the making, the crisis is no longer avoidable, but rather a matter of whether it will be “really bad, catastrophically bad or existential annihilation.” Strom points to a need for change in leadership and the mobilization of massive financial resources – like, all of them – immediately as the only course to mitigate what is to come. “If we do everything right, it’s still really bad, and that’s the best possibility.”

In this podcast, Interchange Founder Tate Chamberlin and guest Pete Strom attempt to reconcile the assumptions and concerns – absolutes and possibilities – surrounding baby boomers’ social, political, economic, and environmental legacy, and its impact on generations to come.